2024-02-01 to 2024-03-16 Market analysis, Uppsala, Sweden
Type of dissemination: Interviews [CRL analysis on NatProLub]
Target audience: Healthcare professionals and industry stakeholders
Participants: Mikael Lindén (Analyst, consultant), Hongji Yan (UU), Thomas Crouzier (CBC), and Mia Philipson (UU)
2024-02-28 Central press by Uppsala University
Type of dissemination: Press Release
Target audience: General public and Media
Participants: Hongji Yan (UU), Mia Philipson (UU) and whole consortia
2024-04-13 Tekniska museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Type of dissemination: Demo Stage [‘‘Mucus-like’’ gels]
Target audience: Primary and high school kids
Participants: Hongji Yan (UU), Eva Cerkvenik (UU), Julija Petravičiūtė (UU), and Håkan Jönsson (KTH)
2024-05-25 to 2024-05-31 Word Biomaterials Conference, Daegu, South Korea
Type of communication: Symposium organiser and invited speaker [Nature-inspired solutions: Bio-inspired hydrogels for new therapies]
Target audience: Academic and Industry in biomaterials
Participants: Hongji Yan (UU), Symposium organiser, and Thomas Crouzier (CBC), Invited speaker
2024-05-15 and 2025-05-22 Bioinspired Materials Design
Type of communication: lectures for Bachelor students on biolubricants
Target audience: Bachelor students from the field of Engineering Science
Participants: Oliver Lieleg (TUM)